Adult Bible Classes
At Lord of Love, we believe adult spiritual growth is a top priority. Spiritually strong adults lead to spiritually strong children and families. To that end we offer any number of opportunities to study God’s Word during the week. These study opportunities range from timely topics to books of the Bible.
- Bible study is not for those who know it all already. There is no such person. We all come as humble learners. We are all lifelong students of God’s Word.
- Some wonder what the difference is between a Sunday service and Bible study. We might put it this way: Worship services help us review and solidify; Bible classes let us dig deeper and uncover.
- One doesn’t need to be a member of the Lord of Love congregation to attend one, or more, of our Bible studies!
Check our calendar for exact dates and times.
Sunday morning 9:15 am
This study meets in the sanctuary and starts with a group devotion for all ages. The youth are then dismissed for Sunday School and Teen group and the Bible study topic begins.
Tuesday morning 9:00 am
The Tuesday study group meets in the lower level of church. You can enter/exit through the lower doors. Coffee is served.
Wednesday Bible study 6:30 pm
The Bible study meets weekly in the sanctuary. Study topics vary and input is given by the group. Discussion is encouraged.
Friday Breakfast and Bible Study
The group meets each week at the DeForest Family Restaurant. Breakfast at 6:00 a.m. and the study begins at 6:45 a.m. with discussion. This study usually finishes about 7:30 a.m.
Bible Information Class:
A number of times a year we offer what is called a Bible Information Class. This class covers the basics of the Christian faith. This is a great class for the person who is new to Christianity, or the person just curious to know more.
For adults interested in joining this congregation, this is the class you would take for Lord of Love membership. We require completion of this class because church membership should always be a matter of confession, and not just a matter of convenience. When a person joins a church he or she is saying that what that church confesses is what they confess too. One can only make such a statement if they know what the church teaches and confesses. That is why we spend a little time on the “front end” in Bible study together so that one is comfortable making that confession. However, it should be added, by taking the class you are under no obligation to join upon completion.
DeForest, WI 53532
Phone: 608-846-9036
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.