Worship Services

Onward and Upward!
Saul was “the man.” He was born in Tarsus of Cilicia to a Gentile mother and a Jewish father. His father was even a member of the respected party of the Pharisees. His father was also from the small, but very proud, tribe of Benjamin. In obedience to the Law of Moses, little Saul was circumcised dutifully and meticulously on the eighth day of his life. Not only was young Saul born a “Jew,” but he was raised as a “Hebrew.” He was taught, and spoke, the Aramaic language fluently.

What to Remember When You Are Seized With Remorse
Pastor Jacob Scott is leading this Wednesday's Lent Worship. He serves at Zion Ev. Lutheran - Leeds.

Join the Joyful Feast!
They had caught him. They had cornered him. They had found him entangled in what they thought was a scandal. There was Jesus, the famed prophet from Galilee, and He was fraternizing with sinners. He was associating with tax collectors.

The Semblance of Legality
This evenings service is led by Pastor Scott Schwertfeger who is from Zion Evangelical Lutheran - Leeds.

In a World where Tyrants Kill and Towers Fall . . . Repent!
Toward the end of last calendar year, the Pew Research Center surveyed nearly 6500 Americans and asked them, “In your own words, why do you think terrible things happen to people through no apparent fault of their own?” Here is a sampling of some of the responses.

“They Bound Him”
This evenings service is led by Pastor James Plocher from St. John's Lutheran in Pardeeville.

A House for the Hen and the Chicks
The day is finally here! The wait is finally over! One year and two days ago, our contract was signed with Advanced Building Corporation, and in the time since then a lot has happened: we broke ground right out there. We put our volunteers immediately to work, pulling away the brick from the north wall of the building. We scurried to get our building permit just in time for the excavation.

“Satan Has Asked to Sift All of You”
As you well know by now, in our Lenten services this year we are spending some time with our Savior during “The Crucial Hours.” Crucial…coming from the Latin word “crux,” which means “cross.” These are the “cross” hours of Jesus, leading up to his “crucifixion,” again from “crux.” His “cross”-ifiction. These were intense hours for Jesus as his work of being this world’s Sin-Bearer reached its goal.

The Tempted Jesus Means a Sympathetic Jesus
She ran down the hallway and into her room. She slammed the door and flopped onto her bed. She had had an awful day. It all started in school with an argument she had with a couple of her friends. Then, she felt like the teachers all had it in for her. When she got home, her parents started in on her. It was too much. She lay on her bed and cried. She thought to herself, “No one understands me!”

“I Will Keep the Passover”
This Lenten season, the theme for our midweek services is The Crucial Hours, and that theme comes from the name of a book. The Crucial Hours is a commentary that was written by a Lutheran pastor several decades ago, focusing in on the events of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. As a title, The Crucial Hours is actually a pun.

Listen to Him!
Once again, today, we make our annual pilgrimage to the mountain of transfiguration. And what we observe on this mountain is truly astounding. Jesus’ face, which looked so normal before, is now shining like the sun. Jesus’ clothes, which were so common before, are now dazzling white, more brilliant and more radiant than a fresh blanket of snow.
105 Paradise Circle
DeForest, WI 53532
DeForest, WI 53532
Phone: 608-846-9036
Office Hours
Tuesday – Friday:
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.