What to Expect
Visiting a church for the first time can be a little intimidating. The service might be unfamiliar; you might be sitting next to people you don’t know; a pastor wearing robes might look a little odd. We know there are things about us that might seem strange at first, but, as a church, we confidently believe that we have a priceless treasure to offer for you and for the world.
Whoever you are and wherever you come from, we would love for you to join us in Bible Study or in the Divine Service. Before you come, please let us tell you a little about ourselves:
We are a liturgical church.
In the church services at Lord of Love Lutheran, everyone can participate. The service follows an order or liturgy – there are parts the pastor speaks and parts the people speak – sometimes we talk, sometimes we sing – there are things we say to God and things He says to us. Yet, the liturgy is not a random compilation of disconnected parts. The liturgy is a time-tested treasure of the Church that focuses our attention on Christ and His gifts to us. Everyone, even the little children, can learn the liturgy and participate in it. We like to print it in a bulletin every week so that it is easy for our guests to follow along.
We are a sacramental church.
This means that when we come to church, we are God’s guests. When we gather together for the Divine Service, we gather to be served by God. The Triune God is actually present with us, forgiving our sins, creating faith in our hearts, and saving us from death and the devil. God promises to be with His people and to work these wonderful blessings through His Holy Word, through Holy Baptism, and through Holy Communion (Holy Baptism and Holy Communion are called Sacraments). The Divine Service is actually God’s service to you!
We invite you to speak with one of our pastors to learn more about Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. While we ask those who are not members to please refrain from taking Holy Communion with us until they become members, we desire the opportunity to teach the faith so that, God-willing, we may receive this sacrament together soon.
We are a confessional Lutheran church.
Our Lord Jesus Christ commands us to confess Him before the world, and we are glad to do so. He has a message for all the world – a message that gives eternal life – a message contained in the Bible (see that message below). We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired, true, and powerful Word, and we believe that the Lutheran Confessions give a correct exposition of the Bible’s teaching.
We are a Christian church.
Finally, our church is built on Christ alone. Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He is the eternal Son of God, who was born into our world as one of us, to be crucified for our sins. By His perfect life, His innocent death, and His glorious resurrection, Christ has won forgiveness of sins and eternal life for the whole world. In Word and Sacrament, Christ promises this forgiveness and life for us, and it is applied to all who believe it. In Christ, we see the love that our God has for us! In Him we have new and everlasting life!
DeForest, WI 53532
Phone: 608-846-9036
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.