Getting Involved at Church
At Lord of Love, we have many opportunities for you to serve the Lord and get involved that fit your talents and interests. The time commitment is often very minimal. Please consider joining one of the committees or teams below by contacting the appropriate lead. Thank you for serving!
Education Committee
Assist in determining policies & procedures regarding the Christian Education opportunities for all the members of the congregation. This will include the promotion of all Christian education activities like VBS and Bible Studies.
Worship Committee
Assist the Pastors in maintaining good order in the Christian worship of the church. This includes working with different teams to facilitate the different worship services. Work with greeters, ushers, organists & altar guild to meet the needs of the church & congregation in regards to dates, times & styles.
Council Liaison – Jim Miller
Altar Guild Committee
Responsible for weekly maintaining the altar area, preparing and setting up for communion, filling the altar candles, changing the hymn boards, and otherwise keeping the altar area ready for regular services, as well as other occasions (such as weddings and funerals). Individuals (or teams) are assigned on a rotating monthly basis.
Council Liaison – Jim Miller
Lord of Love Choir
Meets on Tuesday evenings for rehearsal between September and May, from 6:00 – 6:50 p.m. New choir members are always welcome. The choir sings about 15 times a year. The choir enjoys learning new choir pieces, as well as bringing back some previous favorites, and adding their voices to the church services. If you enjoy singing and a fun group of people, please consider joining the choir. You can get more information from the choir director, Elaine Wilson. She can be contacted through the church office.
Stewardship Committee
Responsible for working with the Treasurer & Financial Secretary in preparing the congregation’s budget for the following fiscal year including review of the salaries of the paid workers. Assist in formulating policies for sound Christian stewardship and implementing them in the congregation.
Council Liaison – Aaron Oughton
Outreach Committee
Assist in establishing and maintaining active programs of outreach to our new members, visitors and the community. This includes programs like regular call nights, Easter & Christmas outreach and new member mentoring.
Council Liaison – Mitch Myhre
Fellowship Committee
Assist in encouraging Christian fellowship among the children, teenagers & adults of the congregation. Recommend and promote social activities and groups for the congregation including guidelines for those activities. These activities could include such things as Fish Fry’s, card night, outings with other churches, etc.
Assist in coordinating the refreshments available between services on Sunday mornings including scheduling servers.
Technology Committee
Assist in the technology needs of the church and congregation. This includes work with the church website, church computers & projectors, and microphones used in services. This also includes the coordination of the volunteers needed to assist in the technology used in worship services.
Council Liaison – Ryan Jaeger
Charity/Community Committee
Assist with coordination and planning of charity and community outreach events like food drives, Thanksgiving meal drive, Christmas gifts for kids in the community, emergency boxes for the community, etc.
Council Liaison – Jim Miller
Building & Grounds Committee
Assist with the repair & upkeep of the building and grounds, including mowing of the grounds. Responsible for planning and coordinating the maintenance to be done.
Council Liaison – Joe Hornbeck
105 Paradise Circle
DeForest, WI 53532
Phone: 608-846-9036
Office Hours
Tuesday – Friday:
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.