Why do I need church?
That’s a great question! Perhaps the best and simplest way to answer that question is to use an illustration that God uses in the Bible. In the Bible, God often compares his people to sheep and himself to a shepherd. One of the most well-known and beloved examples of this is John 10, where Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. Or we might think of the 23rd Psalm, which begins with those words, The Lord is my shepherd. A Christian congregation is a “flock” of sheep gathering around God’s Word for the nourishment and guidance the Shepherd gives through it.
There is another benefit to being a part of a Christian “flock.” When we are part of a larger group, all of the “sheep” benefit from the mutual encouragement and strength to be gained from the others in the “flock.” Nature teaches us that lone sheep are easy prey for predators. There is value, benefit and belonging in being part of a larger “whole.”
Can a person be a Christian and not be a member of a church? Sure. But God wants to bless you through other Christians, and he wants you to be a blessing to others!
Why go to church?
Some people think that Christians attend worship services on Sunday in an effort to make God like them. When that is the underlying motive, it’s little wonder that worship becomes a burden, bore or a chore.
We don’t attend church services to make God like us; we attend because he already loves us dearly. He demonstrated that love by sending his one and only Son to rescue us from sin and hell! It is this great love of God that makes us want to worship him.
Someone has described a Christian worship service as a joyful dialogue with God. That’s a good way to think about what our worship services are like. It is a joyful dialogue. God speaks to us his Word and reminds us of his love. We respond to God’s love and speak to God in praise and prayers. That’s the way we could describe worship services at Lord of Love: the believer’s joyful dialogue with God.
DeForest, WI 53532
Phone: 608-846-9036
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.