Epiphany Comes to Antioch

The celebration of Epiphany is really a localized event.  What I mean is that there is a location that is associated with Epiphany.  That place is Bethlehem.  Herod’s priest directed the Wise Men to Bethlehem.  The star in the sky stopped over Bethlehem.  They found Jesus in Bethlehem.  They presented gold, frankincense and myrrh in Bethlehem.

“Good” and “Better”

When you listen to our text today, what do you think about Martha?  I remember as a child hearing this story.  I don’t know if it was the way it was taught, or if it was just the way I processed what I was hearing, but I came away with a very negative view of Martha.  Almost like she was the “villain” in the story. 

Redemption in Troubling Times

We are privileged to have Pastor Jerry Ewings lead our worship today. Pastor Ewings served at Lord of Love from 2006 – 2017. He currently serves as a Christian Giving Counselor for the Western Wisconsin District. He and his wife Lori reside in Johnson Creek, WI.

The Story Goes On

Christ is risen; He is risen indeed! And that means that the story goes on. Our Savior lives. He will never die again, and our life with Him will never end. So the story goes on. The story isn’t over. The story did not end on Good Friday or on Easter Sunday or even on the Sunday one week after Easter; that was only the beginning.