The Palm Sunday Question: “Who is This?”

It happens all the time. There is excitement. There is commotion. Just yonder, something is going on. A crowd gathers. It seems all the commotion is over some person. And the question buzzes through the crowd, “What’s going on? Who’s over there?”

“Take Him Away!”

For our final Lent Worship this season, Pastor Joel Jenswold is leading our services.

“It is Well”

As the apostle Paul neared the end of his letter to the Philippians, he wrote, And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)  Have you ever paused to consider Paul’s description of the peace of God?  He says this peace “transcends all understanding.”  He is saying that the peace of God is something that defies logic.  It cannot be reduced to simple syllogisms.  It cannot be explained by way of deductive or inductive reasoning.

“What is Truth?”

For today’s Lent worship, Pastor Jacob Scott from Zion Lutheran – Leeds/Lodi is leading our services today.

Once Darkness, Now Light

The physics of light and dark can be kind of fascinating.  We may not spend much time thinking about it, but there are some interesting facts about light and dark.  Did you know light is actually a “thing”?  Light is electromagnetic radiation.  It is kinetic.  It moves.  And it moves fast!  The speed of light is 671 million miles-per-hour!  Darkness, on the other hand, is nothing.  It is defined as the absence of all light waves. 

“Love One Another”

This Wednesday Pastor Peter Schlicht from Eastside Lutheran in Madison, is leading our Lent worship services.

Water from a Stricken Rock

We’re kind of spoiled when it comes to water.  We have it in abundance.  If you want a drink of water, you have choices.  You can have tap water, or bottled water, or spring water, or purified water,  or flavored water.  Did you know that the Village of DeForest has four groundwater wells that supply our water?  Between 400 and 700 deep, these wells keep us well supplied. 

“I am He”

For today’s Lent worship, Pastor Nathan Berg from Eastside Lutheran in Madison is leading our worship services.

A Teacher of Israel is Schooled by the Teacher from Heaven

I don’t know if you caught it a moment ago, but in our text both Jesus and Nicodemus recognize the other as a “teacher.”  The first words out of Nicodemus’ mouth are, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher…” (v. 2)  Nicodemus calls Jesus “teacher.” And Jesus will do the same to Nicodemus.  Later in the text Jesus says to Nicodemus, You are the teacher of Israel. (v. 10)  Reminds me of two doctors meeting.  They greet one another,  “Doctor…”  “Doctor…”

“Watch and Pray”

For today’s Lent worship, Pastor Scott Schwertfeger from Zion Lutheran Leeds/Lodi is leading our worship services.