Entries by Jen Olson

The Humble Sit Atop the Hill of the Lord

What does it mean to be “at the top”?  The term is used often in our culture.  It is used when talking about the person who has become the best or most successful at what he or she does.  The MVP is described as being at the “top of his game.”  Taylor Swift is at the top of the pop music industry, causing Ticketmaster to crash over demand for tickets to her upcoming tour. 

Light has Come to Those in Darkness

After God created all the matter in the universe and it was a dark, surging mass covered in water, the first thing he called into existence to bring order to it all was light.  Let there be light, he said. (Genesis 1:3)  And there was light.  So basic and primary, light.  Yet without light, life cannot exist.  This is easily demonstrated.  Put one of your houseplants in a dark closet for a week and then check on it.  It will be dead.

Look! The Lamb of God

Today we are fortunate to have Pastor Jerry Ewings leading our service and giving the sermon. Pastor Ewings served at Lord of Love Lutheran from 2006 – 2017. 

Here He Is!

The stage was entirely black.  All eyes in the theater were watching, waiting for what was coming next.  Suddenly, a spotlight from the balcony clicked on.  It was trained upon one, single solitary person who stood center stage.  Everyone knew immediately who it was.  It was the star of the show!

Jesus came into the world before spotlights.  So how was God going to introduce the world to the Savior whom he had sent?  How was God going to say, “Here he is”?  Jesus’ baptism does this in a certain sense.  The voice of the Father from heaven, the descent of the Holy Spirit like a dove, these things are like a spotlight that shines on Jesus and says to the world, “Here he is!”

Eight-Day-Old Jesus Shed His Blood for Us

Today marks the eighth day since we celebrated the birth of Jesus. Eight days after the actual birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph kept the Jewish custom of officially naming the baby. In the case of their child, there was no mystery whatsoever what name they would give. An angel had brought them a directive from heaven. They were told to name their boy-baby Jesus. It’s a name that means, “The LORD saves,” or “Savior.” They were to give him this name because he will save his people from their sins. (Matthew 1)

The Great Christmas Exchange

At this time each year, you very likely play a couple roles.  On the one hand, you play the role of giver.  You will be the giver of gifts.  And on the other, you will be the recipient of the gifts of others.  Each year there is this sort of “exchange” that happens.  We give…we get.  We give…we get.  Which is better?  Kids probably like the getting.  As we get older, perhaps we prefer the joy of giving.

He Came! He Came! Immanuel!

Years ago when I was a pastor in Ohio, there was a man who used to come and visit me in my office from time to time.  He was not a member of our congregation.  In fact, he was not even Christian; he was Muslim.  He was a very short little man named Richard.  Always well-dressed.  He was a businessman from Chicago who would come to Columbus on business.

Lakeside A Cappella Choir Service

Today we have the Lakeside Lutheran High School A Cappella Choir joining our worship services. Lakeside is located in Lake Mills, Wisconsin and provides a Bible based Christian education for high school students 9 – 12th grade. The choir is directed by Steven Springborn and preaching today is Pastor Dustin Yahnke from Lakeside.