“Good” and “Better”
Bible Passage: Luke 10:38-42
Pastor: Joel Jenswold
Sermon Date: July 17, 2022
When you listen to our text today, what do you think about Martha? I remember as a child hearing this story. I don’t know if it was the way it was taught, or if it was just the way I processed what I was hearing, but I came away with a very negative view of Martha. Almost like she was the “villain” in the story. Like she was “bad” and what she was doing was “bad” and we would never want to be like Martha. “Bad Martha!”
But I think that is unkind and does a disservice to the memory of Martha. If we will consider this text carefully and thoughtfully we will observe there is no strong rebuke or call to repent from Jesus. What we will see is gentle “course correction.” We will not hear a lesson on “good” and “bad.” But a lovingly taught lesson on “Good” and “Better.”
Jesus has come to the home of Martha. We know from Scripture that Martha, and her siblings, Mary and Lazarus, lived in the little village of Bethany just to the east of Jerusalem. At this point we might remind ourselves that hosting a guest was a big deal in Jewish culture! This was a time for the white, linen tablecloths and the fine china and the polished silverware. (They didn’t have those things, but you get the point.) How much more so when the guest is the Lord Jesus!
So it comes as no surprise to see a very busy Martha. There was much to do for her guest. The table must be set. The food must be prepared. Most often Jewish families would dine rather humbly on vegetables, figs, olives and bread. But when a guest would come, you would typically serve some kind of meat. The “fattened calf” or maybe a goat was prepared. That takes a lot of work to break down an animal and prepare it. Fresh bread was baked. Fine wine was poured. It was a lot of work!
I want to call attention to a word used in our text for what Martha was doing. In verse 40 what Martha is doing is called serving. It is the word that elsewhere in Scripture is translated as “minister” or “ministry.” That sounds like a good thing! Serving, ministering to the needs of others is a good and noble thing!
But something irked Martha. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her sister over by Jesus. There she was, sitting at his feet, just listening to him talk. Martha keeps working, but finally she can’t stand it. She walks over, stands in front of Jesus, and says, Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her to help me. (v. 40)
Ah, there are the hobgoblins of service! “I’m doing all the work! No one else is pulling their weight! I’m doing all the heavy lifting! Can’t some of these other people do their share?” Everyone who has ever served Jesus has thought these thoughts.
Jesus answers, Martha, Martha. He says her name, twice. There is an earnestness and tenderness in this address. Perhaps a loving smile crossed his face. He has no desire to crush the spirit of this servant working only to serve him! Her service was good. But there was something “better.” You are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is needed. In fact, Mary has chosen that better part. (41-42) “That better part.” Remember the way Mary was described? Mary…was at the Lord’s feet and was listening to his word. (v. 39) It was good for Martha to want to be a good host, to serve a delicious meal, to make her Guest comfortable and welcome in her home. Good stuff, all! But it was BETTER to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to his Word.
Dear friends, many times in the Bible we are called “servants of the Lord.” It is a title we gladly and proudly bear. One of our worship services ends with the words, “Brothers and sisters, go in peace. Live in harmony with one another. Serve the Lord with gladness.” And we do, don’t we? We go out into this world and into our various vocations to “serve the Lord gladly.”
And we work hard at it. Dads and moms, you want to be the best Christian parents you can be to your children, right? Husbands and wives, you want to serve Jesus by loving and cherishing your spouse and being the kindest, most loving spouse to them, right? Kids, you serve Jesus by loving and honoring your parents and others in authority, and by being kind to the other kids, right? And you serve Jesus at work by doing good, faithful work; you make the best “widget” you know how to make because Jesus likes good “widgets.” You serve at church…you mow the lawn, you help with landscaping, you teach Sunday School, you sing in the choir, you toss candy in the 4th of July parade. Whatever it may be…it is service. And that’s good!
But there is BETTER. It is better when Jesus serves us. We servants need that. We need to sit at Jesus’ feet. So often my service to him is all messed up. I gripe. I whine. I resent those who, in my opinion, are not working as hard as I am. Or I don’t serve at all. I quit. I wait for another to serve because I think I’ve done enough. I take my marbles and go home. I need to sit at Jesus’ feet! I need to be still and be quiet and listen to his Word. I need to hear him say again that he did not come to be served, but to serve, and give his life as a ransom. I need to hear him say again, Be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven. I need to let him serve me supper, THE SUPPER – the one where he is busy being both Host and Meal! The one where he says, “Given FOR YOU.” “Shed FOR YOU.” And a curious thing will happen the more, and longer, you sit at Jesus’ feet: your own servant heart will grow!
So let us not be too hard on dear Martha, but let us stand next to her and listen to the lesson Jesus lovingly taught her. And then, let us take our place sitting next to Mary, at Jesus’ feet, listening to his Word. For serving Jesus is good. Being served by Jesus is better!
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