Home Devotions Seminar – February 5, 2022
You are invited to join us the morning of Saturday, February 5th for a presentation on home devotions. It will be held at Lord of Love Lutheran Church (105 Paradise Circle, DeForest, WI 53532). Our guest speaker will be Reverend Johann Caauwe, pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Wood Lake, MN and vice president of The Hausvater Project (hausvater.org). He will be presenting:
The seminar is from 9:00 – 12:00. There is no cost to attend, and our sister congregations are invited.
To attend, please click below and complete the short registration form. You can also contact the church office at lolchurchoffice@gmail.com or 608-846-9036 and speak with Jen Olson.
There is an optional lunch following at North and South (605 S. Main Street, DeForest). We will meet there at approx. 12:15 pm. If you are planning to join us for lunch, please indicate on the form above so we can notify the restaurant. Menu