A Word from Pastor – July 19
July 19, 2020
Ministry/Means of Grace: To say that ministry of the Means of Grace for the first half of 2020 was different than other years would be an understatement, to say the least. It would not go too far to say that the first half of this year has been truly unique in the history of Lord of Love. Permit a short recap.
On Wednesday, March 11, God’s people gathered at Lord of Love for what was the third midweek Lenten service. The next day, Thursday, March 12, Gov. Evers declared a public health emergency in the state of Wisconsin due to the COVID-19 virus, and worship as we enjoyed it was suspended for a time.
But as that flying angel with the eternal gospel to proclaim in Revelation reminds, God’s Word will not be “quarantined.” Lord of Love set out to go “virtual.” Weekly services and devotions were recorded and uploaded. Many, many times throughout history, God’s saints have had to adapt to changing circumstances around them.
Beginning the week after Easter (April 26), we wanted to make Lord’s Supper available in God’s House to those who desired to receive it. So we began a program of offering Communion in 15-minute, private sessions for which people pre-registered online. This was well-received and an average of 34 people availed themselves of the opportunity to commune the four weeks it was offered in this way.
Finally on May 24, we were able to begin worshipping again corporately. Special measures were, and remain, in place regarding social distancing and sanitizing between services. Generally, attendance is trending up each week as more are becoming comfortable returning to normal activities. Services continue to be recorded and uploaded, and will continue to be. We do not envision that this will go away.
It’s been quite a “ride.” But in typical, gracious fashion, our God has once again done more than we could ask or imagine. Here are just a few of the unexpected blessings we have enjoyed along the way. At a time when we might conclude that very few were able to benefit from the ministry of the Word at Lord of Love, the case could be made that more people than ever were hearing the Word at Lord of Love! Each week there were hundreds of views on Lord of Love’s home and Facebook pages. This reached a high during Holy Week when there were over 5,000 views!
Another example I will share. Though we may have felt like our little “private communion” sessions were sort of a lesser-quality patchwork that would get us through the moment, MORE people communed in May 2020 than in May 2019. Please appreciate what these last two paragraphs are telling us: More people have come into contact with the Means of Grace, not less, during this time of “shut down.” Who but the Lord could do such a thing!
Here’s another blessing we must mention. Logic and reason would suggest to us that at a time when we are not able to gather and collect “normal” and “regular” offerings, we would suffer a huge financial set back. But once again, our gracious God has flipped reason and logic upside-down and inside-out. During these months, God’s people here at Lord of Love have continued to honor the Lord with their wealth. In fact, this became the time when a number made the transition to “electronic” giving. The result? After beginning the year with a rather fervent appeal to the congregation to increase support for the ministry we are doing together, we have finished the fiscal year in a strong financial position.
Finally, let me quickly mention one more blessing. I believe during those long weeks when we were not able to gather weekly in God’s house, God worked in us a renewed appreciation for the fellowship we share and the blessing of corporate worship. These two things will not so soon be taken for granted by God’s grateful people.
Some closing pastoral thoughts: Strange. Bizarre. Abnormal. Unprecedented. Whatever words we may choose to describe the first half of this year, we can certainly agree things have been different. But there is a word that has always applied, and will always apply, to our Lord. Faithful. With Moses we humbly pray: Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity you are God. (Psalm 90:1-2) Our changeless, eternal God has seen us through these past months, and he will continue to do so in whatever way pleases him. And whatever comes, it will all be for our good. (Romans 8:28) That is God’s promise for Jesus’ sake.
I want to share with you a pastoral concern I have. Inertia is a powerful thing. (Inertia = a body at rest stays at rest until acted upon by another body) A sort of “inertia” has set in for some. The routine, the habit of regular, weekly worship has been interrupted. My flesh quickly formed an opinion: “I like having Sunday mornings free!” My flesh easily made the adjustment to “Sundays without church.” It will be difficult for some to fight the “inertia” that has set in. Pray for each other. Contact one another. Encourage one another. And all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:25)
We will continue to assess circumstances and adjust ministry efforts as is necessary, and as seems wise and loving. Education, outreach, regaining the straying, worship…all must go on. We will continue to pray and work to this end. Always and only depending on grace, without which we are, and can do, nothing.
Serving Christ, and you,
Pastor Jenswold